The Thomas Guide Map Book release dates have changed from annually to every 2 to 4 years dependent on the finalized changes submitted by the counties. You will find Thomas Guide map books show "Edition" numbers rather than years enabling customers know they are carrying the most current edition of that county map book.
Another change is the consolidation and deletion of certain counties or titles in the Thomas Bros. Maps Thomas Guide and the Rand McNally Street Guide line. This allows them to run more economically and efficiently. Due to technology changes and economic times, the trimming has been a necessary decision on the part of the manufacturing companies. The Thomas Guide and the Rand McNally Street Guide, however, continue to be the best resources for your mapping needs and the convenience and security of carrying a physical map book is unmatched when those "sigalerts" and other mishaps spring up during your commute. Buy your discounted Thomas Guide map book or Street Guide today!
Please visit Map Books 4 U for the current listing of Thomas Guide Map Books or Rand McNally Street Guides that are available.